Peer Reviewed Feature Articles

Diabetic kidney disease: strategies for holistic management

Kieran Muir, Carol Pollock

Diabetic kidney disease is increasingly prevalent in Australia. A range of therapies are available to halt its progression and improve quality of life in affected patients. Comprehensive management of patients with diabetic kidney disease includes appropriate medications, lifestyle modifications and dietary changes.


Type 2 diabetes – advances in investigation and management

Rose Lin, Richard J. MacIsaac, Elif Ekinci

Advances in investigation and management include improved strategies for detecting type 2 diabetes and monitoring for complications. New medications can improve glycaemia, promote weight loss and provide cardiac and kidney protection.

Peer Reviewed Regular Series

Subclinical hypothyroidism in older people: pathology or normal ageing?

Alexandra Lee, Christopher Muir

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism in older people is complicated by the expected increase in thyroid stimulating hormone level that occurs with age. Features can also overlap with symptoms arising from concurrent chronic illnesses, making it difficult to distinguish between the normal effects of ageing and true thyroid dysfunction.

Case studies

A 49-year-old woman with perimenopausal symptoms

Elizabeth Farrell

This case study describes a 49-year-old woman who presents with irregular and heavy periods, disturbed sleep and increasing anxiety and stress levels. Lifestyle recommendations, treatment options to manage irregular and heavy periods and her contraceptive needs are discussed.

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society