Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice Endocrine immune-related adverse events Venessa H. Tsang, Bernard Champion EndocrinologyToday March 2019 2019; 8(1): 37-40
Feature Article Endocrinology and metabolism Managing complex cases of diabetes Joel W.j. Lasschuit, Jerry R. Greenfield EndocrinologyToday November 2018 2018; 7(4): 20-24
Clinical Flowchart Endocrinology and metabolism 2. Suggested algorithm for management of a patient with subclinical hypothyroidism Dulani Kottahachchi, Duncan J Topliss EndocrinologyToday April 2016 2016; 5(2): 6-14
Clinical Flowchart Endocrinology and metabolism 1. Suggested algorithm for evaluation of a patient with suspected hypothyroidism Dulani Kottahachchi, Duncan J Topliss EndocrinologyToday April 2016 2016; 5(2): 6-14
Feature Article Endocrinology and metabolism Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: when to observe, to treat or to refer Dulani Kottahachchi, Duncan J Topliss EndocrinologyToday April 2016 2016; 5(2): 6-14
Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice Managing an elderly woman with Graves’ disease Akhil Gupta, Bernard Champion, Venessa Tsang EndocrinologyToday February 2016 2016; 5(1): 29-32
Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice Managing an acute case of Addison’s disease Matthew Luttrell, Bernard Champion, Venessa Tsang EndocrinologyToday July 2015 2015; 4(4): 45-48
Feature Article Endocrinology and metabolism Type 1 diabetes in young people: how can we minimise complications? Yoon Hi Cho, Kim C Donaghue EndocrinologyToday May 2015 2015; 4(3): 8-12
Regular Series Perspectives Reducing the future risk of diabetic retinopathy in young people with type 1 diabetes Maria E Craig EndocrinologyToday April 2015 2015; 4(2): 25-27
Feature Article Endocrinology and metabolism Addison’s disease: a diagnosis not to be missed Jasna Aleksova, Caroline Jung EndocrinologyToday February 2015 2015; 4(1): 23-28
Regular Series Perspectives Tailoring psychological management in young people with type 1 diabetes Toni Lindsay EndocrinologyToday July 2014 2014; 3(4): 37-39
Regular Series Perspectives Challenges of coeliac disease in type 1 diabetes Hamish Russell, Kylie Smythe EndocrinologyToday May 2014 2014; 3(3): 24-28
Regular Series Perspectives Addison’s disease: managing ‘sick days’ to avoid crises Marni A Nenke, David J Torpy EndocrinologyToday February 2014 2014; 3(1): 26-31
Regular Series Perspectives Recognising the diversity of autoimmune diabetes in adults Spiros Fourlanos EndocrinologyToday February 2014 2014; 3(1): 39-41
Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice Assessing fitness to drive in a young man with type 1 diabetes Vivienne Miller EndocrinologyToday April 2013 2013; 2(2): 35-37
Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice Graves’ disease in a young woman Vivienne Miller EndocrinologyToday October 2012 2012; 1(3): 36-37
Regular Series Acute endocrine presentations in general practice A case of Addison’s disease in a 45-year-old man Vivienne Miller EndocrinologyToday July 2012 2012; 1(2): 36-37
Feature Article Diabetes Why is type 1 diabetes different? Key messages from the guidelines Helen Phelan, Stephen M Twigg, Maria E Craig EndocrinologyToday April 2012 2012; 1(1): 8-16