Clinical Flowchart Women’s health A guide to contraceptive use for women aged 50 years and over Deborah Bateson, Kathleen McNamee EndocrinologyToday February 2021 2021; 10(1): 14-18
Feature Article Women’s health Hormonal contraception: what’s new? Deborah Bateson, Kathleen McNamee EndocrinologyToday February 2021 2021; 10(1): 14-18
Regular Series Perspectives Diabetes in women of childbearing age. Contraceptive options and pregnancy planning Dhanya Sanjeev, Ann Poynten, Antonia Shand EndocrinologyToday August 2018 2018; 7(3): 30-32
Regular Series Perspectives Current choices of hormonal contraception: what are the factors to consider? Mary Stewart, Caroline Harvey, Kathleen McNamee EndocrinologyToday July 2014 2014; 3(4): 29-35